

Our mission is to form students with strong convictions, high standards, a love for learning, and self-knowledge. Developing students with a strong sense of community, capable of succeeding in their personal and professional lives, forming exceptional human begins to strengthen the fabric of society.

We aim to develop competencies to be applied in our student’s personal, social, academic, and professional life.

Our program seeks to build habits of learning that will serve them not just for college but also throughout their life. Our team efforts every day so that our students become lifelong learners, gain the confidence, self-reliance, and compassion that enable them to be thoughtful members of any community.

British Prep school’s syllabus aligns with the SEP (Ministry of education); our plans and programs are based on constructivist educational models focused on the belief that learners construct their understanding of the world, developing, therefore, critical thinking and problem solver abilities.



  • Our classrooms are equipped with state-of-the-art technology
  • Our groups are small (no more than 20 students per class)
  • Bilingual Program. English classes are taught for two levels: intermediate and advanced students take a standardized test such as TOEFL
  • Computer, coding, and robotic classes are an essential part of the curriculum
  • Math and Science classes are imparted in our Physics, Chemistry, and Biology Laboratories

Arts and Sports:

  • Soccer, basketball, volleyball, taekwondo, and zumba
  • Artistic workshops: dance, theater, musical instruments, and plastic arts
  • We have our own Symphony Orchestra, which students can become part of and has highly specialized and skillful teachers
  • Chess Academy
  • Prep school book club meets once a week


  • Students partake in debates, poetry, and oratory contests. Regional and national competitions are encouraged
  • Students participate in service-learning; we encourage our students to give back. We believe community service is part of their formative experience


  • Educational trips to cities such as New York, San Francisco, Seattle, and universities and world-class companies
  • Students participate each school year in the International Competition for Young Entrepreneurs – BEO Master, held in London, England
  • The school organizes educational days out to companies and sites of academic interest to complement their perspective on future career paths

Our Team

  • Our academic body is formed of highly trained faculty and staff committed to inspiring each student to grow as exceptional human beings