

In Primary School, we seek the development of life competencies, critical thinking, use of technology, and collaborative work. We aim to develop autonomous, responsible, capable, caring, and decisive people in a globalized world.

In our Primary school, students learn new ways of thinking and acting, acquiring skills through interdisciplinary approach techniques, strategies, and best-of-its-class educational models.


Our children become capable of thinking for themselves, choosing and undertaking personal and group projects, learning to take care of their health and the environment.

We nurture an optimal environment where students shape their characters, enabling collaboration and becoming strong team players.


  • Our groups are small (up to 25 students per class), allowing for greater integration, learning, and personalized attention
  • Bilingual Program. English classes are taught half of the day
  • Computer, coding, and robotics are taught weekly in our computer labs
  • We add special attention to logical-mathematical development
  • Cambridge exams are completed as per corresponding level

The students have activities that aim at their well-rounded formation, such as:


  • soccer, basketball, volleyball, taekwondo, and ballroom dance



  • Artistic workshops, such as dance, and plastic arts
  • We have our own Symphony Orchestra, which students can become part of and has highly specialized and skillful teachers
  • Chess Academy


  • Students are encouraged to participate in debates, poetry, and oratory. Regional and national competitions are promoted